

Our curriculum aims to develop the skills, knowledge and cultural capital of our students so that they have the emotional maturity and confidence to become valuable and functional members of their community

At St. Clare’s school we believe that learning is the process by which students gradually acquire and assimilate knowledge; concepts; skills and attitudes to enable them to make greater sense of the world. Teaching and learning is central to our work as educators, and it stems from the schools aim, ethos and values. At St. Clare’s school our core values underpin our culture; climate and behaviour in all of our interactions and learning experiences.

St Clare’s school – Where we reach our goals!



We expect all of our staff to deliver high quality, stimulating and dynamic lessons, where every teacher is a consistently good teacher. We expect all students to be challenged and make good progress in their learning.

Students of all ability levels will be given equal opportunities to achieve their full potential. Our purpose is to create a learning environment which fosters motivation and allows students to feel safe and flourish. We aim to empower our students to understand how to learn as well as striving to teach them what to learn.


The whole school approach to teaching phonics follows the All Aboard Phonics programme. All aboard phonics is a systematic synthetic phonics (SSP) resource, designed to make teaching phonics easier, more fun and consistently successful. All reosurces are research based to maximize outcomes and there is a learning app so student can access material at home.

‘Fix It’ reading and writing interventions designed to ‘fix’ problems in reading and writing for student who have completed the phonics build confidence and enjoyment. The programme is inline with AQA assessment.

The school library is organized into appropriate reading ages identified by colour to ensure students can choose appropriate reading material discreetly matched to their ability.

Whole school Curriculum Map

Year 7 Curriculum Overview

Year 8 Curriculum Overview

Year 9 Curriculum Overview

Year 10 Curriculum Overview

Year 11 Curriculum Overview

Expected Outcomes

Religious Entitlement/Withdrawal

We encourage pupils to become enriched by the knowledge and understanding of different religious beliefs/cultural backgrounds of all people.

If you have a specific concerns and would like to discuss coverage of the curriculum, please contact our curriculum lead Mrs Webber on 01332 511757.

Music Policy

Music Policy

Remote Education

Remote Learning Policy

 British Values

Fundamental British Values 23.24

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