Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Part 1
Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures Part 2
If you have any concerns about a child, inform a member of the safeguarding team immediately, by phone(01332 511757) or by e-mail (
If you have any concerns during school closure please contact the relevant local authority contact below.
Paper copies of the above policies are available by contacting our school office on 01332 511757.

Local Authority Contacts
First Contact – Derby City Council Social Services 01332 641172
Call Derbyshire – Derbyshire County Council Social Service 01629 593 193
First Response – Staffordshire County Council Social Services 0800 1313 126
Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership –
Online Procedures for Safeguarding Partnership
Police – 999 in an emergency or 101 non-emergency
Crimestoppers UK – 0800 555 111
Child Line – 0800 1111
The links below are available to help support you and your child.
Online Concerns
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency (CEOP)
Missing people or runaway
The Children Missing Education Officer can be contacted on 01332 641448 or via email on
24 Hour Anonymous Helpline Text or
All of our staff are trained to respond to safeguarding concerns, including allegations against other young people. All of our schools have specialist staff, with additional training and support to ensure that safeguarding is woven through every aspect of our schools and that all concerns are managed effectively and thoroughly.
Our curriculums are designed to support our young people to engage in healthy, respectful friendships and to understand that no means no.
Our culture ensures that young people are able to raise concerns; confident that they will be believed and acted upon without repercussion or adverse consequence.
We recognise the vulnerabilities of our young people and endeavour to ensure that we provide them with schools that are open, honest, inclusive and respectful. We extend this commitment to our families and the communities we serve.
If you have any concerns that you wish to raise, please contact the Safeguarding Team at St Clare’s or the Esteem Trust Safeguarding Lead, Hannah Longley on
If you require support or guidance the NSPCC have a dedicated support line for young people and their families that can be accessed on 0800 136 663 or email